MEET in Oxford Making EMDR & Energy Therapies more accessible in Oxford

How you can support the work of MEET in Oxford

Are you a psychotherapist?
We are always interested in talking to experienced therapists who would be interested in working with us.

In addition to your core therapy qualification and accreditation, you need to have completed a full EMDR training and/or to have completed the five-day Foundation Course in Energy Psychotherapy or the Confer course in Practising Energy Psychotherapy.

All the therapists working with MEET in Oxford give their time unpaid and work with one or more clients at a time. We ask that you are available to see MEET in Oxford clients for at least eighteen months from joining us. If you are interested, please get in touch. We are very happy to have a chat if you’d like to talk to someone to find out more.

Could you make a donation?
Our running costs are very low. We have a part-time Coordinator and everyone else who works with MEET in Oxford is unpaid, including our therapists. The Oxford Quaker Meeting provides free therapy rooms so our overheads are small. We make every penny count! If you are able to make a donation, however small, you will be helping to keep this service going and making trauma-focused therapy available to more people. Thank you.

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