MEET in Oxford Making EMDR & Energy Therapies more accessible in Oxford

What does it cost?

We do not charge a fee for therapy with MEET in Oxford. However, we do ask clients, where possible, to make a regular contribution towards the cost of their therapy. These contributions form an important part of our funding.

As a guideline, someone on benefits may be able to afford £5 per session, those on a low wage perhaps £10, while others on a higher wage or family income up to £35. If you are able to pay more than this, we may direct you a therapist’s private practice with a practitioner who can offer a reduced fee.

Please note that no-one is turned away or treated differently because they cannot afford to make a contribution.

Supporting MEET in Oxford

We are able offer such low-cost therapy, and to run MEET in Oxford on a very low budget, thanks to our therapists, who are not paid for working with clients or running support groups, and the Oxford Quaker Meeting, which generously provides rent-free therapy rooms. We employ one part-time Coordinator and have no office space. Donations from our supporters, funders and clients are vital in keeping this service open to people who have no other recourse to trauma-focused therapy and we are grateful for all contributions, however small.

You can make a donation by using the link on the right side of this page.

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